
2 Kgs 4.8-37 seems on the surface to be a straightforward miracle story designed to enhance the prestige of the man of God, Elisha. However, there are certain 16. Fuchs, 'Literary Characterization', p. 133. 17. Fuchs, Titerary Characterization', p. 133. 18. Fuchs, *Literary Characterization', p. 136. 19. D.N. Fewell, Teminist Reading of the Hebrew Bible: Affirmation, Resistance and Transformation', JSOT39 (1987), p. 82. SHIELDS Subverting a Man of God, Elevating a Woman 69 disjunctions, both within the story itself and between this story and its parallels (the annunciation type-scene and Elijah's revival of the widow's son in 1 Kgs 17), which invite the reader to question the surface perspective. One finds upon a closer reading that the roles and power of Elisha and the Shunammite woman are surprisingly reversed. This reversal serves to undermine the prophet's character as the true man of God and to elevate that of the Shunammite woman. Yet is that the final word? The end of the story, as well as its sequel in 2 Kgs 8, suggests that it is not There is a patriarchal perspective that in turn subverts the power and status of the woman of Shunem. This publication is available in microform. University Microfilms International reproduces this publication in microform: microfiche and 16mm or 35mm film. For information f about this publication or any of the more than 13,000 titles we offer, complete and mail the coupon to: University Microfilms International, 300 N. Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. Call us toll-free for an immediate response: 800-521-3044. Or call collect in Michigan, Alaska and Hawaii: 313-761-4700.

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