
1. The dissociation of horse spleen apoferritin as a function of pH was analysed by sedimentation-velocity techniques. The oligomer is stable in the range pH2.8-10.6. Between pH2.8 and 1.6 and 10.6 and 13.0 both oligomer and subunits can be detected. At pH values between 1.6 and 1.0 the subunit is the only species observed, although below pH1.0 aggregation of the subunits to a particle sedimenting much faster than the oligomer occurs. 2. When apoferritin is first dissociated into subunits at low pH values and then dialysed into buffers of pH1.5-5.0, the subunit reassociates to oligomer in the pH range 3.1-4.3. 3. U.v.-difference spectroscopy was used to study conformational changes occurring during the dissociation process. The difference spectrum in acid can be accounted for by the transfer of four to five tyrosine residues/subunit from the interior of the protein into the solvent. This process is reversed on reassociation, but shows the same hysteresis as found by sedimentation techniques. The difference spectrum in alkali is more complex, but is consistent with the deprotonation of tyrosine residues, which appear to have rather high pK values. 4. In addition to the involvement of tyrosine residues in the conformational change at low pH values, spectral evidence is presented that one tryptophan residue/subunit also changes its environment before dissociation and subsequent to reassociation. 5. Analysis of the dissociation and reassociation of apoferritin at low pH values suggests that this is a co-operative process involving protonation and deprotonation of at least two carboxyl functions of rather low intrinsic pK. The dissociation at alkaline pH values does not appear to be co-operative. 6. Of the five tyrosine residues/subunit only one can be nitrated with tetranitromethane. Guanidination of lysine residues results in the modification of seven out of a total of nine residues/subunit. Nine out of the ten arginine residues/subunit react with cyclohexanedione.

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