
Local field potential (LFP) oscillations in the beta band (13-30 Hz) in the subthalamic nucleus (STN) of Parkinson's disease patients have been implicated in disease severity and treatment response. The relationship between single-neuron activity in the STN and regional beta power changes remains unclear. We used spike-triggered average (STA) to assess beta synchronization in STN. Beta power and STA magnitude at the beta frequency range were compared in three conditions: STN versus other subcortical structures, dorsal versus ventral STN, and high versus low beta power STN recordings. Magnitude of STA-LFP was greater within the STN compared to extra-STN structures along the trajectory path, despite no difference in percentage of the total power. Within the STN, there was a higher percent beta power in dorsal compared to ventral STN but no difference in STA-LFP magnitude. Further refining the comparison to high versus low beta peak power recordings inside the STN to evaluate if single-unit activity synchronized more strongly with beta band activity in areas of high beta power resulted in a significantly higher STA magnitude for areas of high beta power. Overall, these results suggest that STN single units strongly synchronize to beta activity, particularly units in areas ofhigh beta power.

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