
We have previously shown the involvement of the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (VMH) in inducing running behavior. Stimulation of kainate (KA)-type glutamate receptors in the unilateral VMH of the rat exclusively elicited stereotyped running behavior. However, the neural pathways or functional connections of the VMH neurons involved in the running activity are yet to be elucidated further. In this study we examined whether the subthalamic locomotor region (SLR) is involved in the expression of the running activity originating in the VMH. The multiunit activity (MUA) in the ipsilateral SLR was significantly increased by KA injection into the VMH of urethane-anesthetized animals. Concomitant injection of 6,7-dinitroquioxalline-2,3-dione (DNQX, a KA-type glutamate receptor antagonist) with KA blocked this change in the MUA. Unilateral pre-injection of either kynurenate (non-selective glutamate receptor antagonist), d-2-amino-5-phosphonovalerate (AP5, an NMDA-type glutamate receptor antagonist) or DNQX into the SLR blocked the expression of the running activity induced by KA injection into the ipsilateral VMH. Results from the present study suggest that communication between KA-sensitive efferents from the VMH to glutamatergic pathways acting via NMDA and non-NMDA receptors in the SLR may underlie expression of running behavior originating in the VMH.

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