
SrRuO_{3}, a ferromagnet with an approximately 160K Curie temperature, exhibits a T^{2}-dependent dc resistivity below ≈30 K. Nevertheless, previous optical studies in the infrared and terahertz range show non-Drude dynamics at low temperatures, which seem to contradict Fermi-liquid predictions. In this work, we measure the low-frequency THz range response of thin films with residual resistivity ratios, ρ_{300K}/ρ_{4K}≈74. At temperatures below 30K, we find both a sharp zero frequency mode which has a width narrower than k_{B}T/ℏ as well as a broader zero frequency Lorentzian that has at least an order of magnitude larger scattering. Both features have temperature dependences consistent with a Fermi liquid with the wider feature explicitly showing a T^{2} scaling. Above 30K, there is a crossover to a regime described by a single Drude peak that we believe arises from strong interband electron-electron scattering. Such two channel Drude transport sheds light on reports of the violation of Matthiessen's rule and extreme sensitivity to disorder in metallic ruthenates.

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