
The Revell batholith is located within the Western Wabigoon terrane of the Superior Province, Northwestern Ontario, Canada, and is a potential site for a deep geological repository (DGR). This batholith is considered to have favourable geoscientific characteristics for hosting a DGR, including a sufficient volume of relatively homogenous rock. The subsurface geometry of the batholith plays an important role in determining its volume, as well as assessing regional-scale hydraulics, rock mechanics, and glacial stress disturbances on the bedrock, which are other important features and processes that can impact the batholith over the timeframes of concern for long-term storage of used nuclear fuel. Subsurface geometry is complicated to unravel, and surface mapping alone is inadequate to obtain the information at depth. However, gravity, magnetic, or seismic data can be used to enhance understanding by approximating the geometry.This study aims to refine the subsurface geometry and distribution of the Revell batholith from a constrained forward and inverse geophysical model, incorporating high-resolution geophysical data together with a compilation of historic and recent geological field data. The Revell batholith was previously cited as a flat-based pluton with a depth of 1.6 km, where our findings suggest the batholith is deeper than previously thought, with an uneven contact geometry at its base that extends slightly deeper than 3.5 km. Model uncertainties were assessed by varying probabilistic constraints on volume overlap/commonality and shape within GeoModeller™. Results indicate that overall batholith-greenstone contact is generally unchanged when the geological constraints are varied, providing a high degree of confidence that the Revell batholith has a sufficient volume of relatively homogeneous bedrock.

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