
A rotational isomeric state model has been developed for the poly(silylenemethylenes) with repeating sequence [Si(CH 3)R–CH 2] x , R=–O(CH 2) N OC 6H 4C 6H 5. The model incorporates all first- and second-order interactions, as well as higher order interactions that are mandatory in some of the conformations. Chains with all possible stereochemical sequences prefer a local conformation that is a run of trans states at the C–Si bonds in the backbone. This preference arises from an attractive second-order interaction of the first methylene group in the side-chain bonded to chain atom i with the silicon atoms indexed i±2. Unperturbed chains have larger dimensions than the simpler chain in which R is merely a methyl group. The temperature coefficients of the unperturbed dimensions are large and negative. The preference of unperturbed atactic, isotactic, and syndiotactic chains for the same local conformation may contribute to the facile formation of smectic phases by the presumably atactic chain, as reported by Park et al. [Macromolecules 35 (2002) 2776].

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