
The use of vegetable protein has been developed to increase the protein content of instant noodles. Indonesia is one of the countries that consumes noodles in second place after China. These conditions led to an increase in wheat imports. In an effort to increase the protein content in instant noodles and also reduce the need for wheat, alternative local raw materials are needed to substitute wheat flour. The aim of the study was to utilize tapioca and corn flour as a substitute for wheat flour in the manufacture of instant noodles, which added soybean protein isolate (SPI) and Na-alginate to increase protein content and physical properties. Factorial randomized block design (RBD) was used in this research, factor I was SPI and factor II Na-alginate. The treatment was repeated 3 times. The observational variations were analyzed for variance and continued with the tukey test with α≤ 5% if there was significant. The results showed that the addition of SPI 30% and Na-alginate up to 0.2% increased the protein content of instant noodles to 31.36 ± 0.39% - 34.44 ± 0.34%, water absorption for 5 minutes of cooking was 147 %, cooking time 6.16 ± 0.22 minutes. Overall, the instant noodle is in the category of rather like to like the taste, aroma, color, and texture. Composite flour (corn flour and tapioca) can substitute 50% of wheat flour to produce the instant noodles. The protein contain is 34.44 %, with a contribution of 30% SPI and Na-alginate 0.2%.


  • The use of vegetable protein has been developed to increase the protein content of instant noodles

  • The results showed that the addition of soybean protein isolate (SPI) 30% and Na-alginate up to 0.2% increased the protein content of instant noodles to 31.36 ± 0.39% - 34.44 ± 0.34%, water absorption for 5 minutes of cooking was 147 %, cooking time 6.16 ± 0.22 minutes

  • Karakteristik fisikokimia dan organoleptik mie kering berbasis tepung ubi jalar ungu pada berbagai tingkat penambahan gluten

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Alginat adalah polisakarida anionik

Alami yang diekstrak dari dinding sel rumput laut (Szekalska et al, 2016). Sinurat dan Marliani (2017) melaporkan bahwa hasil analisis fisik dan kimia dari alginat yang disaring dengan penyaring filter press memiliki nilai rata-rata rendemen 10,91±4,33%, viskositas 82,66±112,46 cP, derajat putih 60,53±9,09%, dan kekuatan gelnya mencapai 353,54±184,51 g/cm. 2. Sifat fisik Meliputi: densitas kamba dievaluasi mengacu pada metode (Kumalasaria, Setyoningrum, dan Ekafitri, 2015) yang dimodifikasi sebagai berikut: gelas ukur diisi biji sawi hingga 10 ml, selanjutnya sampel yang telah diketahui beratnya dimasukkan dalam gelas ukur tersebut dan diketuk-ketuk sampai tidak terdapat rongga-rongga terisi seluruhnya. Daya serap air Kemampuan mengabsorbsi (daya serap) air selama pemasakan dievaluasi dengan menggunakan metode Billina, Waluyo dan Suhandy (2014) yang dimodifikasi sebagai berikut: Mie instan sebelum ditimbang terlebih dahulu sebelum dimasak (Wa), selanjutnya dimasak sampai matang dan ditimbang mie yang sudah masak (Wb). WB = Berat mie setelah dimasak (g) serap) air selama perendaman diamati dengan cara sebagai berikut: Mie instan sebelumnya ditimbang terlebih dahulu (Ma), selanjutnya direndam dalam air sampai berat konstan dan ditimbang (Mb). Skala hedonik yang digunakan adalah skala numerik antara 1-6 (1= sangat tidak suka, 2= tidak suka, 3= cukup suka, 4= suka, 5= sangat suka, dan 6= sangat suka sekali)

Komposisi proksimat
Sifat fisik Densitas kamba
Sifat sensoris
Nilai organoleptik
International Agency for Research on Cancer Monograph Working Group
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