
The authors showed that during carrot harvesting by diggers, strong soil lumps were formed that were poorly separated from root crops and complicated the separation process, which leaded to machines overloading, due to the variability of the physical and mechanical soil properties. A lattice loosening working body was developed that improved the digger elevator separating ability.(Research purpose)To substantiate lattice ripper parameters of the carrot digger, which provides intensive loosening of the soil and thereby increases the impurities separation completeness with minimal root crops damage.(Materials and methods)The authors researched geometric, kinematic parameters of lattice ripper of the carrot digger. They theoretically substantiated the design parameters of the mechanism and its kinematic parameters after they studied the physicomechanical properties of the carrot bed.(Results and discussion)The authors found that during the interaction of the lattice ripper with soil layers on the elevator, soil lumps were destroyed, the soil was loosened with the following parameters: the ripper radius was not more than 9.5 centimeters, the height of the shaft was 20 centimeters, the blade submerged part was 6 centimeters, the width of the lattice ripper was 47 centimeters.(Conclusions)It was revealed that lattice ripper promoted intensive separation of the soil layer without damage and loss of carrot root crops. The authors proved that the peripheral speed of the lattice ripper should be no more than 2.5 meters per second, the kinematic mode of the separation intensification means should be 2.5, and the radius of the ripper should be no more than 9.5 centimeters.


  • Конструкция копателей с прутковыми элеваторами становится причиной возрастающих потерь и повреждений корнеплодов

  • Определили рациональные параметры, повышающие сепарацию почвы копателем моркови: радиус решечатого рыхлителя – 0,095 м, высота расположения вала – 20 см, погруженная часть лопасти рыхлителя – 6 cм, ширина решетчатого рыхлителя – 47 см, окружная скорость решетчатого рыхлителя – 2,5 м/с, кинематический режим средства интенсификации сепарации – 2,5, абсолютная скорость движения любой точки лопасти – 2,3 м/с

  • Sibirev A.V., Aksenov A.G., Mosyakov M.A. Experimen- cal engineering Bulgarian association of mechanization in agtal Laboratory Research of Separation Intensity of Onion Set riculture

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Конструкция копателей с прутковыми элеваторами становится причиной возрастающих потерь и повреждений корнеплодов. Authors researched geometric, kinematic parameters of lattice ripper of the carrot digger. ЦЕЛЬ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ – обосновать параметры решетчатого рыхлителя копателя моркови, который обеспечивает равномерное распределение вороха по ширине элеватора и тем самым увеличивает полноту сепарации примесей при минимальном повреждении корнеплодов.

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