
The aim. Substantiation of the «health care organization» component of the objective structured practical (clinical) exam of the educational-qualification level of specialist, master's degree in the specialties «Medicine» and «Pediatrics» in the field of knowledge «22 Health care».
 Materials and methods. Bibliosemantic and analytical research methods were used in the work. The sources of information were: legal acts regulating requirements for the training of health care specialists, educational programs of the educational discipline «social medicine, organization and economics of health care»; strategic documents of the WHO.
 Results. The content of the objective structured practical (clinical) exam of the students of the educational-qualification level of a specialist, the master's degree in the specialties «Medicine» and «Pediatrics» in the field of knowledge «22 Health care» in the «health care organization» component was substantiated. The rationale is based on the requirements for master of medicine, set out in the Standard of Higher Education in the specialty 222 Medicine for the second (master's) level of higher education, the provisions of the educational-professional programs «Medicine» and «Pediatrics» of the Bogomolets National Medical University, Handbook of qualification characteristics of occupations (issue 78 «Health care»), etc. The task of graduates when passing the station to confirm competencies in the organization of health care is to demonstrate the ability to choose and fill out forms of documents to record the health indicators of the population and the doctor's activity in various situations. These scenarios relate to the selection and filling of accounting documents upon diagnosis of cancer or other malignant neoplasms, active tuberculosis or its recurrence, infectious disease, food poisoning, acute occupational poisoning, unusual reaction to vaccination, ascertainment of the case and causes of death with diagnostic coding according to the International statistical classification of diseases and related health problems, XI revision. The algorithm for performing tasks according to each scenario, the general format of the station, the necessary equipment, and the expendable materials have been determined. Also, a set of instructions for the participants of the certification process and checklists for evaluation have been developed.
 Conclusions. The substantiation of the «health care organization» component of the objective structured practical (clinical) exam of the students of the educational-qualification level of a specialist, the degree of master's degree in the specialties of «Medicine» and «Pediatrics» will allow assessing the ability to fill out the documents necessary for a doctor for the accounting of health indicators of the population and his/her activities in various situations, to confirm the readiness of graduates to carry out professional activities.

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