
The aim: To substantiate the selection of a substitution therapy medication for dry eye syndrome treatment in patients wearing different kinds of contact lenses. Materials and methods: A structural analysis of the assortment of substitution therapy medications for dry eye syndrome treatment as well as a content analysis of the information given in the labelling claims of various substitution therapy medication was conducted. Than they were segmented using the criteria of whether the substitution therapy medications may be used in patients with dry eye syndrome who wear contact lenses. Results: The labelling claims of 82.36% substitution therapy medications registered in Ukraine assortment contain information on either full or partial compatibility with contact lenses. The use of 11.76% of the assortment is impossible for patients wearing soft contact lenses, while patients wearing hard contact lenses need to wait for some period of time (15-20 min) before putting contact lenses back on. Conclusions: The pharmaceutical market of Ukraine is characterized by a wide assortment of substitution therapy medications for dry eye syndrome treatment, which can be used in patients wearing contact lenses. Based on the data received, it has been determined that 70.59% of substitution therapy medications are compatible with contact lenses of all types and only the use of 8.82% of the substitution therapy medications assortment is contraindicated for dry eye syndrome treatment in patients wearing contact lenses.

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