
The article substantiates theoretically the psychological-pedagogical conditions of students’ personal- professional identity formation at vocational educational institutions. The concepts and structural organizations of personal and professional types of identity were analyzed theoretically. The structure of the personal-professional identity includes four interrelated components: cognitive, emotional-evaluative, motivational-axiological and behavioral. The age characteristics of students at vocational educational institutions were considered; educational and professional training programs for various specialists in these educational institutions were analyzed. The professional qualities developed during professional training include: the abilities to communicate with customers and to solve specific production situations; technological literacy, good theoretical knowledge and professional skills; the ability to apply this knowledge in everyday work; knowledge on the advanced technologies and new equipment. Personal-professional identity of students studying at vocational educational institutions was defined as a complex personal formation characterized by self-attitude, emotional attitude to oneself, emotional stability, stability of professional motivation, personality orientation, which are determined by the goals and psychological characteristics of future specialists’ professional work. The psychological- pedagogical conditions of students’ personal-professional identity formation at vocational educational institutions were considered. The most influential conditions included: development of the emotional-volitional sphere; the formed value component of personality; the creative atmosphere in the educational process; usage of modern learning methods and innovative training forms. The indicated groups of conditions were interrelated and affected the formation of students’ personal- professional identity at vocational educational institutions. The research on these conditions will create the basis for elaboration of the practice-oriented measures supporting formation of the examined personal-professional identity. &nbsp


  • Волобуева Елена Сергеевна относятся развитость эмоционально-волевой сферы, Аспирантка кафедры педагогики и психологии образовательной деятельности, Запорожский национальный университет, г

  • The professional qualities developed during professional training include: the abilities to communicate with customers and to solve specific production situations; technological literacy, good theoretical knowledge and professional skills; the ability to apply this knowledge in everyday work; knowledge on the advanced technologies and new equipment

  • Personal-professional identity of students studying at vocational educational institutions was defined as a complex personal formation characterized by self-attitude, emotional attitude to oneself, emotional stability, stability of professional motivation, personality orientation, which are determined by the goals and psychological characteristics of future specialists’ professional work

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Волобуева Елена Сергеевна относятся развитость эмоционально-волевой сферы, Аспирантка кафедры педагогики и психологии образовательной деятельности, Запорожский национальный университет, г. Стаття присвячена теоретичному обґрунтуванню психолого-педагогічних умов формування особистіснопрофесійної ідентичності учнів професійно-технічних навчальних закладів. Особистісно-професійну ідентичність учнів професійно-технічних навчальних закладів визначено як складне особистісне утворення, яке характеризується самоставленням, емоційним ставленням до себе, емоційною стійкістю, стійкістю професійної мотивації, спрямованістю особистості та обумовлені цілями і психологічними особливостями професійної діяльності майбутніх фахівців.

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