
Abstract Gay men and lesbians reportedly use and abuse alcohol and substances at rates higher than the general population. This higher rate has been questioned, but, whether gay men and lesbians have more use and abuse or not, unique clinical considerations are involved in addiction treatment for gay men and lesbians. The psychodynamic factors that contribute to the creation and powerful influence of internalized homophobia for gay men and lesbians can explain the predisposition to substance use and abuse. Parents may not be able to acknowledge or reward the differences that may be apparent in the pre-homosexual child. The child will learn to hide or dissociate from those differences. In addition, the psychology of difference, that is, learning how to live with and accept things about one's self that are different from the majority, will contribute to further denial and dissociation from true feelings and needs. Substance use allows the expression of suppressed and repressed desires and needs and facilita...

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