
The Eastern Snake River Plain (ESRP) is a linear volcanic basin interpreted by many workers to reflect late Cenozoic migration of North America over the Yellowstone hotspot. Thermal subsidence of this volcanic province with respect to Yellowstone has been documented by several workers, but no one has characterized subsidence with respect to the adjacent Basin and Range Province. This paper documents crustal flexure along the northwest edge of the ESRP, uses flexure to model the dimensions of a dense load beneath the basin, and presents evidence in support of density‐driven subsidence and lower crustal flow away from the basin. Crustal flexure adjacent to the ESRP is reflected by the attitudes of Mesozoic fold hinges and Neogene volcanic rocks. Fold hinges formed with a subhorizontal plunge and a trend perpendicular to the ESRP but now show a southward plunge near the ESRP of as much as 20°–25°. We present a contour map of equal fold plunges proximal to the ESRP that shows flexure is roughly parallel to and extends 10–20 km north of the average edge of the ESRP. Flexural profiles indicate the minimum amount of ESRP subsidence, with respect to the Basin and Range; subsidence ranges from 4.5 to 8.5 km. The structural contour map and published seismic and gravity data were used to develop and constrain flexural subsidence models. These models indicate the flexed crust is very weak (flexural parameter of 4–10 km), interpreted to be a result of the high heat flow of the ESRP. Assuming subsidence was induced by emplacement of a dense crustal layer beneath the ESRP, a midcrustal “sill” identified in previous seismic surveys is too wide and probably too thin to produce the measured flexure. New dimensions include a thickness of 17–25 km and a half width of 40–50 km, which place the edge of the sill beneath the edge of the ESRP. The dimensions of the ESRP sill are based on isostatic compensation in the lower crust because compensation in the asthenosphere requires an unreasonable sill thickness of 30+ km and because ESRP seismic, gravity, and heat flow data support lower crustal compensation. Density‐driven lower crustal flow away from the ESRP is proposed to accommodate subsidence and maintain isostatic equilibrium. Timing of subsidence is constrained by ESRP exploratory wells, where 6.6 Ma rhyolites at a depth of 1.5 km indicate most subsidence occurred prior to their emplacement, and by strong spatial correlations between plunge contours and Quaternary volcanic rift zones. Two processes interpreted to contribute to the load include an extensive midcrustal mafic load emplaced at ∼10 Ma, which provided the heat source for the initial rhyolitic volcanism on the ESRP, and continuing, localized loads from dikes and sills associated with Quaternary basalts. Widespread ∼10 Ma magmatism and subsidence conflicts with simple time‐transgressive migration of the Yellowstone hotspot, indicating a need for revision of the hotspot paradigm.

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