
The literature on membrane computing describes several variants of P systems whose complexity classes C are “closed under exponentiation”, that is, they satisfy the inclusion ▪, where ▪ is the class of problems solved by polynomial-time Turing machines with oracles for problems in C. This closure automatically implies closure under many other operations, such as regular operations (union, concatenation, Kleene star), intersection, complement, and polynomial-time mappings, which are inherited from ▪. Such results are typically proved by showing how elements of a family ▪ of P systems can be embedded into P systems simulating Turing machines, which exploit the elements of ▪ as subroutines. Here we focus on the latter construction, providing a description that, by abstracting from the technical details which depend on the specific variant of P system, describes a general strategy for proving closure under exponentiation. We also provide an example implementation using polarizationless P systems with active membranes and minimal cooperation.

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