
The MPACT code is being jointly developed by the University of Michigan and Oak Ridge National Laboratory. It uses the 2D/1D method to solve neutron transport problems for reactors. The 2D/1D method decomposes the problem into a stack of 2D planes, and uses a high fidelity transport method to resolve all heterogeneity in each plane. These planes are then coupled axially using a lower order solver. Using this scheme, 3D solutions to the transport equation can be obtained at a much lower cost.One assumption made by the 2D/1D method is that the materials are axially homogeneous for each 2D plane. Violation of this assumption requires homogenization, which can significantly reduce the accuracy of the calculation. This paper presents two new subgrid methods to address this issue. The first method is polynomial decusping, a simple correction used to address control rods partially inserted into a 2D plane. The second is the subplane collision probabilities method, which is a more accurate, more robust subgrid method that can be applied to other axial heterogeneities.Each method was applied to a variety of problems. Results were compared to fine mesh solutions which had no axial heterogeneity and to Monte Carlo reference solutions generated using KENO-VI. It was shown that the polynomial decusping method was effective in many cases, but it had some limitations, with 3D pin power errors as high as 25% compared to KENO-VI. The subplane collision probabilities method performed much better, lowering the maximum pin power error to less than 5% in every calculation.

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