
We examine the excitation of unstable magnetosonic waves in the radiative envelopes of intermediate- and high-mass stars with a magnetic field of ~kG strength. Wind clumping close to the star and microturbulence can often be accounted for when including small-scale, sub-photospheric density or velocity perturbations. Compressional waves - with wavelengths comparable to or shorter than the gas pressure scale height - can be destabilized by the radiative flux in optically-thick media when a magnetic field is present, in a process called the Radiation-Driven Magneto-Acoustic Instability (RMI). The instability does not require radiation or magnetic pressure to dominate over gas pressure, and acts independently of sub-surface convection zones. Here we evaluate the conditions for the RMI to operate on a grid of stellar models covering a mass range $3-40M_\odot$ at solar metallicity. For a uniform 1kG magnetic field, fast magnetosonic modes are unstable down to an optical depth of a few tens, while unstable slow modes extend beyond the depth of the iron convection zone. The qualitative behavior is robust to magnetic field strength variations by a factor of a few. When combining our findings with previous results for the saturation amplitude of the RMI, we predict velocity fluctuations in the range ~0.1-10 km/s. These amplitudes are a monotonically increasing function of the ratio of radiation to gas pressure, or alternatively, of the zero-age main sequence mass.

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