
Techniques for facial rejuvenation have long involved specific remedies for each facial segment affected by the aging process. Traditional facial rejuvenation techniques have addressed the anterior neck and platysma complex as well as the acquired jaw deformity. These techniques often left the nasolabial complex and the "infraorbital hollow" un-addressed. Modern techniques, including the composite rhytidectomy, the subperiosteal midface lift, and the deep-plane and the triplane rhytidectomy, have contributed to redefining the challenge of correcting the problem of the orbicularis-malar soft tissue complex descent and as such focus on a particular segment of the facial rejuvenation. This evolution of the facelift demonstrates that one size does not fit all and that surgeons should consider their rejuvenations to be not a generic facelift but a midface, lower face, and neck lift. This concept has evolved into our appreciation of distinct surgical zones. This is especially important in males, and adjunctive techniques such as the ones we describe may add benefit and enhance the final result in male patients. As discussed, the male anatomy, because of its increased surface area and weight, is more difficult to gain leverage with in rejuvenation procedures. The author describes his preferred technique for facial rejuvenation in males, the subperiosteal deep plane rhytidectomy (SPDPR), which combines a deep plane rhytidectomy with a subperiosteal dissection. Although combining subperiosteal "release" of midfacial anatomy has been reviewed by other authors, the combination of subperiosteal release and deep-plane rhytidectomy has not been previously reported or advocated. The operative technique, complications, and results of this combined technique are reviewed. The procedure as described is used as an isolated procedure for midfacial descent as well as an incorporated technique when completing a "full" rhytidectomy.

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