
We give a necessary modification of Proposition 1.18 in Nagy and Strambach (Loops in Group Theory and Lie Theory. de Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics Berlin, New York, 2002) and close the gap in the classification of differentiable Bol loops given in Figula (Manuscrp Math 121:367–385, 2006). Moreover, using the factorization of Lie groups we determine the simple differentiable proper Bol loops L having the direct product G 1 × G 2 of two groups with simple Lie algebras as the group topologically generated by their left translations such that the stabilizer of the identity element of L is the direct product H 1 × H 2 with H i < G i . Also if G 1 = G 2 = G is a simple permutation group containing a sharply transitive subgroup A, then an analogous construction yields a simple proper Bol loop. If A is cyclic and G is finite and primitive, then all such loops are classified.

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