
The brassica leaf beetle, Phaedon brassicae, is a serious defoliator of cruciferous crops. Halofenozide (Hal), an ecdysone agonist, is a new class of insect growth-regulating insecticide. Our preliminary experiment revealed the outstanding larval toxicity of Hal against P. brassicae. However, the metabolic degradation of this compound in insects remains unclear. In this study, oral administration of Hal at LC10 and LC25 caused severe separation of the cuticle and epidermis, leading to larval molting failure. Sublethal dose exposure also significantly reduced the larval respiration rate as well as their pupation rates and pupal weights. Conversely, the activities of the multifunctional oxidase, carboxylesterase (CarE), and glutathione S-transferase (GST) were significantly enhanced in Hal-treated larvae. Further analysis using RNA sequencing identified 64 differentially expressed detoxifying enzyme genes, including 31 P450s, 13 GSTs, and 20 CarEs. Among the 25 upregulated P450s, 22 genes were clustered into the CYP3 clan, and the other 3 genes belonged to the CYP4 clan. Meanwhile, 3 sigma class GSTs and 7 epsilon class GSTs were dramatically increased, accounting for the majority of the upregulated GSTs. Moreover, 16 of the 18 overexpressed CarEs were clustered into the coleopteran xenobiotic-metabolizing group. These results showed the augmented expression of detoxification genes in P. brassicae after exposed to sublethal dose of Hal, and helped to better understand the potential metabolic pathways that could contribute to the reduced sensitivity to Hal in this pest. Overall, a deep insight into the detoxification mechanisms would provide practical guidance for the field management of P. brassicae.

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