
Abstract Addressing the political subjectivations in the June 2013 Journeys, this study aims to analyze the political formation of young people based on their experience participating in 2013 demonstrations and its influences in the reconstruction of their political and educational identities and trajectories. In dialogue with the notions of itineraries and trajectories, a bibliographic review was carried out on results that dealt with the 2013 Journeys regarding the themes of youth, students, education, subjectivities, and identities. As theoretical framework, Jacques Rancière’s notion of political subjectivation guides our formulation of research questions, which are described as our main results. Thus, as results, rather than conclusions, this study build analysis scripts to guide field research on “Educational dimensions of the 2013 Journeys: Educational agendas, school experiences, and political formation of young people in protest,” which will interview militants and activists in 10 Brazilian states on questions about the tensions and approximations between the contingent experiences of protesting (which created moments of political subjectivation), coexistence in a “multitude” of multiple identities that are affirmed and rebuilt. Also, questions on the ambiguities and contradictions of the Journeys — expressed in the bifurcation of protest paths in the following years between continuing progressive demonstrations and the conservative drift that impeached Dilma in 2016 and elected a candidate of the extreme right in 2018.

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