
Introduction. Satisfaction is a sense of subjective contentment with life. High level of subjective life satisfaction is a factor motivating an old person to live life full of invention as well as stimulating for numerous initiatives and activities. Several elements encourage better quality of life of the elderly e.g. self-dependence in everyday life, financial security, good life situation, and activity. The greater activity the better self-esteem, well-being and the sense of life value are. People, who feel happy, are more active socially, more easily achieve what they want, are more open, solve problems more effectively, handle difficult situations much better. The objective of this study was to evaluate subjective life satisfaction among the University of Third Age students and its correlation with socio-demographic conditions and health status. Materials and methods. Eighty eight students of the University of the Third Age at Jan Grodek Higher Vocational School in Sanok were interviewed. Satisfaction with life was measured with the standardized SWLS scale (The Satisfaction with Life Scale) and a tool developed by the authors examining social, material, and health status in the studied group. Results. Most of the respondents described their satisfaction with life as average. When asked which factors influenced one’s satisfaction with life, respondents gave the following answers: health complaints, chronic illnesses e.g. heart diseases, rheumatoid disorders, hepatic diseases, and loneliness. Higher level of subjective life satisfaction was observed among healthy participants, who perceived their health status as good or very good in comparison with respondents reporting headaches, the sense of loneliness, and those with rheumatoid diseases. No significant influence on satisfaction with life was found for the following parameters: gender, marital status, age, education, social and material status, monthly income, and social activity. Conclusions. The character and quality of the old age is determined by individual attitude towards health and life, and whether the need of self-development is fulfilled. Satisfaction with life does not only mean being content, but it also means the experience of independency, feeling free to make choices, and having access to the goods in the surrounding environment. The knowledge of the level of subjective life satisfaction is very helpful when creating responsible attitudes for individual’s life and development of the elderly, which is of special significance when promoting a creative attitude towards the surroundings in the present reality. The recognition of the level of life satisfaction may also have a significant influence on planning and realization of educational process for the elderly.

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