
Hearing loss is a risk-factor for dementia but the reasons for this are unclear. Subjective hearing loss is related to increased future dementia risk, however, this metric has not been previously examined with cognitive, neuroimaging and biochemical measures that are relevant to Alzheimer's disease. We assessed Cognitively Normal and Mild Cognitively Impaired participants from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative with subjective hearing loss to examine if they had faster decline in episodic memory scores, hippocampal volume and greater pTau positivity. The likelihood of a dementia diagnosis in hearing impaired participants over a 5-year period was also assessed. There were no statistically significant differences between the hearing subgroups over a 5-year period nor were there in conversions to a dementia diagnosis. Objective hearing loss metrics may provide a more reliable link between hearing loss and dementia risk.

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