
According to Seligman’s concept of authentic happiness, people tend to choose one of three different ways to be happy: through pleasure, through engagement, and through meaning. This paper addresses the development of Ukrainian adaptation of the 18-item three-dimensional Orientation to Happiness Scale (Peterson, Park, Seligman, 2005) and the examination of its psychometric properties. On the results of PCA (N = 468) a three-factor structure due to a theoretical framework was confirmed with Cronbach’s alphas between .65 and .80. A satisfactory test-retest stability for each sub-scale in the 4-week period (N = 123) and the construct validity were revealed. During criterion-validity analysis statistically significant differences (p < .05) in orientations to happiness were shown for religious and non-religious people, reflecting the specificity of connections between happiness, faith, and religious behaviour.

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