
The present study examined the deficits of people with aphasia in tense (past, present, and future) and agreement (person, number, and gender) in Jordanian Arabic. Forty participants were selected and two tasks were administered for this study using Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination (BDAE)-Arabic version. The first task was sentence completion in which sentences have a blank and need to be filled by the participants. The second task was grammaticality judgment, in which participants should determine whether sentences are grammatically correct or not. Results indicated significantly that the Jordanian participants with aphasia violate gender aspect more than person and number in both sentence completion task (p = 0.025) and grammaticality judgment task (p = 0.000), it was also reported that past tense was violated significantly more than present and future in sentence completion task (p = 0.000) as well as grammaticality judgment task (p = 0.012). It is concluded that Arabic speakers with agrammatism were tested with reference to time and agreement and the results showed that they performed as hypothesized, showing a selective deficit for production of inflected forms of past tense.

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