
The subject of the article is foreign language professional training of future teachers. The research is devoted to substantiation of Subject-Based Speaking method, which contributes to the development of foreign-language professional communicative competence among university students. The article is aimed at analyzing the effectiveness of using this method in foreign-language professional training. Research methods include study of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature, observation and interviewing of the experiment participants, analysis of the experimental results. The article gives a detailed description of the stages, requirements, properties, and forms of training used in the proposed method. The results of the study can find application in practice of foreign-language training not only for future teachers, but also for other specialists, since Subject-Based Speaking method is focused on developing the ability to use a foreign language for professional purposes. Conclusion. Subject-Based Speaking is an effective method used for developing foreign language professional communicative competence, which helps to motivate students to learn a language, their willingness to communicate in a foreign language increases, and students demonstrate a higher level of foreign language professional communicative competence

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