
Subfibular impingement is one cause of extraarticular ankle impingement characterized by pain in the lateral aspect of the hindfoot. Associated with severe hindfoot deformity, subfibular impingement can be secondary to posterior tibial tendon dysfunction, calcaneal fracture malunion, or neuropathic or inflammatory arthritidies. MRI often is necessary to rule out other causes of ankle pain. Advanced imaging findings are related to abutment between the fibula and calcaneus and include subcortical marrow edema, cystic changes, sclerosis, and the presence of soft-tissue entrapment or extensive soft-tissue thickening between the fibula and the calcaneus. A trial of nonoperative management should be exhausted prior to open or arthroscopic procedures being considered. However, in recalcitrant cases unresponsive to conservative treatment, there are several surgical procedures described for the management of these deforming forces. Level of Evidence: Level V.

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