
Cervicofacial subcutaneous emphysema is defined as the abnormal introduction of air in the subcutaneous tissues of the head and neck. It is mainly caused by trauma, head and neck surgery, general anesthesia, and coughing or habitual performance of Valsalva manoeuvre. The occurrence of subcutaneous emphysema after dental treatment is rare, and diffusion of gas into the mediastinum is much rarer, especially when the procedure is a nonsurgical treatment. Presented here is a case of subcutaneous emphysema that occurred after sodium hypochlorite irrigation during endodontic treatment, and the description of its etiologies and prevention during nonsurgical endodontic treatment. Endodontic success can be essentially achieved via good debridement of a root canal, and an ideal endodontic irrigant is effective in removing the smear layer, opening the dentinal tubules, and producing a clean surface for closer obturation. A 60-years-old woman had an abnormal swelling and pain during an endodontic treatment accompanied by her dentist to the emergency room and was referred to our observation for complaining of severe pain, ecchymosis and severe swelling on the left side of her face. The aforementioned symptoms appeared after sodium hypochlorite irrigation and aggressive use of air spray for drying the root canal during the endodontic treatment of the upper left lateral incisor. An extrusion during an inappropriate endodontic treatment may occasionally be reported and can cause tissue damage. NaOCl is one of the best and most commonly used irrigating solutions because of its efficacy, but it can also negatively affect the periapical tissues. Determining the correct working length, even when performing an intraoperative periapical radiograph and confirming the root canal integrity, could help avoid these kinds of accidents.

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