
By a result of Eliashberg, every symplectic filling of a three-dimensional contact connected sum is obtained by performing a boundary connected sum on another symplectic filling. We prove a partial generalization of this result for subcritical contact surgeries in higher dimensions: given any contact manifold that arises from another contact manifold by subcritical surgery, its belt sphere is null-bordant in the oriented bordism group $\Omega SO^*(W)$ of any symplectically aspherical filling $W$, and in dimension five, it will even be nullhomotopic. More generally, if the filling is not aspherical but is semipositive, then the belt sphere will be trivial in $H^*(W)$. Using the same methods, we show that the contact connected sum decomposition for tight contact structures in dimension three does not extend to higher dimensions: in particular, we exhibit connected sums of manifolds of dimension at least five with Stein fillable contact structures that do not arise as contact connected sums. The proofs are based on holomorphic disk-filling techniques, with families of Legendrian open books (so-called "Lobs") as boundary conditions.


  • Abstract. — By a result of Eliashberg, every symplectic filling of a three-dimensional contact connected sum is obtained by performing a boundary connected sum on another symplectic filling

  • Wendl the Eliashberg-Floer-McDuff theorem, is essentially a classification of fillings up to homotopy type

  • Given an oriented (2n − 1)-dimensional manifold M, a contact structure on M is a hyperplane distribution of the form ξ = ker α, where the contact form α is a smooth 1-form satisfying α ∧n−1 > 0, and the co-orientation of ξ is determined by α > 0

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The Eliashberg-Floer-McDuff theorem revisited

We modify slightly the proof of the Eliashberg-Floer-McDuff theorem [McD91, Th. 1.5] in order to illustrate the methods that will be applied in the rest of the article. Complex multiplication gives i · ∂r = ∂φ, dy[1] Du · ∂r = dy[1] Du · (−i · ∂φ) = −dy[1] i · Du · ∂φ = −dx[1] Du · ∂φ = 0 It follows that the outward derivative of the y1-coordinate vanishes at the point eiφ0 ∈ D2, so that according to the boundary point lemma, y1 must equal the constant 1 on the whole disk, and as a consequence u lies entirely in SA. X = X × D2 where D2 is contractible, B can be represented by a cycle in X × {p} for any point p ∈ D2; in particular we are free to choose p ∈ ∂D2, B is represented by a cycle in ∂X This implies that the class A is homologous to a cycle in the sphere ∂Y , which shows that A must be trivial.

Weinstein handles and contact surgeries
The space of holomorphic disks attached to the belt sphere
Surgery on moduli spaces
Contact structures that are not contact connected sums
The Weinstein conjecture for subcritical surgeries
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