
A physical model for a structured tetrameric pore is studied. The pore is modeled as a device composed of four subunits, each one exhibiting two possible states (open and closed). The pore is located within a membrane that separates two reservoirs with ionic solutions. All variables of the model follow physical dynamical equationsaccounting for the internal structure of the pore, derived from a single energy functional and supplemented with thermal noises. An extensive study of the resulting ionic intensity is performed for different values of the control parameters, mainly membrane potential and reservoir ion concentrations. Two possible physical devices are studied: voltage-gated (including a voltage sensor in each subunit) and non-voltage-gated pores. The ionic flux through the pore exhibits several distinct dynamical configurations, in particular subconductance states, which indicate very different dynamical internal states of the subunits. Such subconductance states become much easier to observe in sensorless pores. These results are compared with available experimental data on tetrameric K channels and analytical predictions.

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