
The fusion excitation functions are studied near and below the Coulomb barrier by modifying nuclear interaction potential. The nuclear potential is obtained in the semiclassical Extended Thomas-Fermi approach of Skyrme energy density formalism for both the parts (the spin-orbit density independent and spin-orbit density dependent) of the Hamiltonian density, since the two behave differently, the spin-orbit density independent part behave mainly attractive and the spin-orbit density dependent mainly as repulsive. The semiclassical expansions of kinetic energy density and spin-orbit density used are allowed up to second order and the two parameter Fermi density is used for the nuclear density. The modification of nuclear potential is done by changing the temperature dependent surface thickness of either target or projectile or both to the best fit. The study is done for the fusion cross-sections for reactions 32S+90Zr and 32S+96Zr as a function of center of mass energy for the arbitrarily chosen Skyrme force SIV.

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