
Subacute Cutaneous Erythematous (SCLE) is an Auto-Immune skin disorder that cause skin sores and rashes when your immune system attacks itself. In this case report describe 39 years old female patient with SCLE. It is characterized by either ring-shaped red scaly border and also scaly red bumps in sun exposed areas associated with itching, pain and burning sensation. In this case, the patient has a multiple red colour lesions initially on the upper back region then spread to B/L UL, abdomen, chest, face and LL which is aggravating to sunlight. The patient is having a history of skin burns like lesions, tuberculomas and SJS. The diagnosis of SCLE was revealed by clinical presentation, Skin biopsy result and laboratory finding i.e. ANA Test was found to be highly positive and confirms that it is an autoimmune disease. The patient was treated with corticosteroid drug, DMARDs along with antihistaminic drugs and supportive therapy like nutritional supplements and skin lotion for external application, which led to significant improvement in the lesion formation and other symptoms. The case report highlights the careful monitoring and appropriate treatment of SCLE.

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