
We report on a recent study of the SU(3)-breaking corrections to the hyperon vector coupling $f_1(0)$ up to $\mathcal{O}(p^4)$ in covariant baryon chiral perturbation theory with dynamical octet and decuplet contributions. The decuplet contributions are taken into account for the first time in a covariant ChPT study and are found of similar or even larger size than the octet ones. We predict positive SU(3)-breaking corrections to all the four independent $f_1(0)$'s (assuming isospin symmetry), which are consistent, within uncertainties, with the latest results from large $N_c$ fits, chiral quark models, and quenched lattice QCD calculations. We also discuss briefly the implications of our results for the extraction of $V_{us}$ from hyperon decay data.

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