
Applications imposing SU(3) chiral symmetry on non-relativistic field theories are considered. The first example is a calculation of the self-energy shifts of the spin-3/2 decuplet baryons in nuclear matter, from the chiral effective Lagrangian coupling octet and decuplet baryon fields. Special attention is paid to the self-energy of the Delta baryon near the saturation density of nuclear matter. We find contributions to the mass shifts from contact terms in the effective Lagrangian with coefficients of unknown value. As a second application, we formulate an effective field theory with manifest SU(2) chiral symmetry for the interactions of K and eta mesons with pions at low energy. SU(3) chiral symmetry is imposed on the effective field theory by a matching calculation onto three-flavor chiral perturbation theory. The effective Lagrangian for the pi-K and pi-eta sectors is worked out to order Q^4; the effective Lagrangian for the K-K sector is worked out to order Q^2 with contact interactions to order Q^4. As an application of the method, we calculate the K-K s-wave scattering phase shift at leading order and compare with chiral perturbation theory. We conclude with a discussion of the limitations of the approach and propose new directions for work where the matching calculation may be useful

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