
Purpose: This research investigates the use of Mult-ileaf Collimator (MLC) dynalog files to modify a Volumetric Arc Therapy (VMAT) DICOM Radiotherapy Treatment file from the Treatment Planning System (TPS) for quality assurance and treatment plan verification. Methods: Actual MLC positions and gantry angles where retrieved from the MLC Dynalog files of an approved and treated VMAT plan. The treatment machine used was a Novalis TX linac equipped with high definition MLC. The DICOM RT file of the plan was exported from the TPS (Eclipse, Varian Medical Systems) and the actual MLC leaf positions and gantry angles were inserted in place of the planned positions for each control point. The modified DICOM RT file was then imported back into the TPS where dose calculations were performed. The resulting dose distributions were then exported to VeriSoft (PTW) where a 3D gamma was calculated using 3mm-3% and 2mm-2% criteria. A 2D gamma was also calculated using dose measurements on the Delta4 (Sandidose) phantom. Results: A 3D gamma was calculated in Verisoft at 3mm-3% of 99.5% and at 2mm-2% of 99.2%. The pretreatment verification on the Delta4 yielded a 2D gamma at 3mm-3% of 97.9% and at 2mm-2% of 88.5%. The dose volume histogramsmore » of the approved plan and the dynalog plan are virtually identical. Conclusion: Initial results show good agreement of the dynalog dose distribution with the approved plan. Future work on this research will aim to increase the number of patients and replace the planned fractionated dose per control point with the actual fractionated dose.« less

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