
We propose a $SU(5) \times U(1)_X \times U(1)_{PQ}$ model, where $U(1)_X$ is the generalization of the $B-L$ (baryon minus lepton number) gauge symmetry and $U(1)_{PQ}$ is the global Peccei-Quinn (PQ) symmetry. There are four fermions families in $\bf{{\overline 5}} + \bf{10}$ representations of $SU(5)$, a mirror family in $\bf{5}+\bf{{\overline {10}}}$ representations, and three $SU(5)$ singlet Majorana fermions. The $U(1)_X$ related anomalies all cancel in the presence of the Majorana neutrinos. The $SU(5)$ symmetry is broken at $M_{GUT} \simeq (6-9)\times 10^{15}$ GeV and the proton lifetime $\tau_p$ is estimated to be well within the expected sensitivity of the future Hyper-Kamiokande experiment, $\tau_p \lesssim 1.3 \times 10^{35}$ years. The $SU(5)$ breaking also triggers the breaking of the PQ symmetry, resulting in axion dark matter (DM), with the axion decay constant $f_a$ of order $M_{GUT}$ or somewhat larger. The CASPEr experiment can search for such an axion DM candidate. The Hubble parameter during inflation must be low, $H_{inf} \lesssim 10^9 $ GeV, in order to successfully resolve the axion domain wall, axion DM isocurvature and $SU(5)$ monopole problems. With the identification of the $U(1)_X$ breaking Higgs field with the inflaton field, we implement inflection-point inflation, which is capable of realizing the desired value for $H_{inf}$. The vectorlike fermions in the model are essential for achieving successful unification of the SM gauge couplings as well as the phenomenological viability of both axion DM and inflation scenario.


  • A variety of well-established experimental results in particle physics and cosmology have exposed some of the inadequacies of the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics [1]

  • These include the confirmation of the existence of nonbaryonic dark matter (DM), observation of tiny but nonzero masses for SM neutrinos, the observed asymmetry between the matter and antimatter abundance in the Universe, the necessity of cosmic inflation in the very early stages of the Universe’s evolution, and the strong CP puzzle

  • We propose a model based on the symmetry SUð5Þ × Uð1ÞX × Uð1ÞPQ, where Uð1ÞPQ is the global Peccei-Quinn (PQ) symmetry [8], which addresses all the inadequacies of the SM discussed above

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A variety of well-established experimental results in particle physics and cosmology have exposed some of the inadequacies of the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics [1]. The new fermions in the model are key to achieving successful unification of the SM gauge couplings as well as the phenomenological viability of both the axion DM and the inflection-point inflation inflation scenario. 1, 2, 3, family, 4) in the ψ 5ð10Þ in the 5ð10Þ representation, three SUð5Þ singlet Majorana fermions, ðNcÞj (j 1⁄4 1, 2, 3), and four complex scalars. The couplings parameters are all real and positive and we have neglected mixed terms between Σ and S fields with H=Φ, assuming that the associated couplings to be adequately small because H=Φ fields not essential for the breaking of SUð5Þ and PQ symmetries. After breaking of the Uð1ÞX and the electroweak symmetry, the first and second terms in Eq (10) generate the Dirac and Majorana type masses for the neutrinos miDβ pYiDffiβffi 2

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