
Quirk (1969) has remarked that a man's style is as specific as his
 fingerprints. Stylistic analysis can in fact settle many knotty problems in
 ltterature. A Writer's use of language, if studied carefully , can reveal his
 aesthetic personality , his deep – laid philosophy and world – view , the
 way he looks at the world , perhaps far more accurately than any study of
 his background and the literary movement he subscribes to . In fact , the
 question of the nature of stylistics , and its position among the various
 disciplines, its scope and its limits have aroused considerable discussion.
 The term "stylistics" can apply to various kinds of linguistic analysis.
 Anyhow, stylistics, which is, in general, incorporated within the
 terminology of linguistics, has not won the satisfaction of some linguists.
 therefore, they began to coin some other new terms . Thus, this research
 is intended to present discussion of the scope of stylistics, stylistic
 analysis, and stylistics as a middle ground between linguistics and literary
 criticism. In general, it is divided into three parts each to cover a certain
 aspect of the subject .the first part is a review of the definition of
 stylistics, its function, and its aims. The second part is concerned with
 stylistic analysis and kinds of stylistic studies. Whereas, the third part of
 this research discusses the role of stylistics as a contact between
 linguistics and literary criticism.

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