
The article investigates the main stylistic figures with repetition in the artistic prose of Maria Matios. The specificity of the functioning of anaphora, epiphora, anadiplusis, polysindeon, gradation, amplification, chiasma is described. The purpose of the paper is a functional-semantic analysis of stylistic repetition figures in contexts with poetonymic components in M.M.Matios's artistic prose. The object of the research is the artistic speech of M. Matios, the subject of analysis – syntactic and verbal repetition as one of the representatives of the individual syntax of the writer. The material of the research is the artistic prose of M. Matios – the novels «Cooking tricks», «Hardly ever other wise», «Mr. & Ms. U-Ko in country UA», «Sweet Darusia», « Four Pores of Life», «The blog of the executed» and the story «Moskalytsya». The leading methods are the contextual-interpretive and a method of linguistic-stylistic analysis. As a result of the study, it has been proved that syntactic and verbal repetitions used in syntactic constructions with poetonymic components contribute to the expression of speech and connotative intonation of poetonyms, serve as an optional means of fiction, impose the emotional tone of a work and act as an expression of author's intentions. The amplification of the poetonyms is the most frequent in the prose by M.Matios. The syntactic organization of the artistic text is a relevant indicator of idiostyle, in particular, one of the representatives of the individual syntax M. Matios, the deciding feature of which is stylistic convergence and syntactic redundancy, represented in particular by cataloging. The practical use of the results of the study is in the lexicographic elaboration of the individual author's poetonyms. Investigated propriatives are placed in our «Dictionary of poetonyms of artistic prose M. Matios».

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