
Stylistic features of the performing ancient instrumental music


  • We note that the performance of a piece of music does not always make off the strongest impression precisely in its “primary” – restored – form, since reconstruction is limited by the volume of our historical knowledge, while modern musical instruments have a much wider range of expressiveness, than theirs historical predecessors, and the modern interpreter – “de facto”, due to his location in the historical space – a much richer thesaurus

  • The aim of this article is systematization, from the standpoint of the teaching experience of its author in the piano class, observations and practical recommendations regarding the style of performing of ancient instrumental music and approaches to its interpretation by a pianist on an instrument of modern construction

  • Ignatchenko (1983), when considering performance techniques that emphasize the originality of the texture of baroque music; as well as generally accepted methods of scientific research: analysis, selection, structuring of information with its subsequent generalization

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У статті систематизовано досвід викладання автора в класі спеціального фортепіано, спостереження і практичні рекомендації щодо стилістики виконання старо‐ винної інструментальної музики та підходів до її інтерпретації піаністом на інструменті сучасної конструкції. The close relationship of the latter with the oratory, which is based on a set of laws and rules, led to the influence of musical-rhetorical figures on the semantics of musical language, and, – on the intonation-declamation sphere of musical text, ways of articulation The latter were largely determined by the design features of ancient tools. The variety of characteristic techniques of instrumental sound production – expressive touches, among which a special place was occupied by the string strokes (legato, detache, martele, etc.) – has become an integral part of the style of European music of the XVII–XVIII centuries.

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