
Aim. In the present work, victimity is considered as a psychological deviation manifestingin specific behavioral responses that characterize the type of potential victim. The emphasis ismade on the necessity of taking into account a realized victimity of a person, the formation of itsadequate forms and its correction at the stage of professional training. The article is aimed at establishingthe style characteristics of behavior self-regulation in students with various victimity.Materials and methods. Based on the analysis of the results obtained according to the “Realizedvictimity” scale (the “Tendency to victim behavior” questionnaire) all subjects were divided intotwo groups: an average (n = 36) and below-average (n = 53) victimity. The data on victimity, behaviorself-regulation and emotional intelligence in students of the pedagogical university wereobtained using the corresponding questionnaires: “Tendency to victim behavior”, “Style of behaviorself-regulation”, “Emotional intelligence”. Results. In the structure of students’ victimity,high values are observed on scales that assess the tendency to addictive and helpless behavior, toaggressive victim behavior, to self-damaging and self-destructive behavior, and to non-criticalbehavior. When comparing groups of students with various victimity, the following features wereregistered expressed in the differences in the style characteristics of behavior self-regulation (inthe implementation of modeling, assessment and flexible interaction); in the absence of differencesin the parameters of emotional intelligence. Conclusion. Features of behavior selfregulationin students are determined by their victimity. Subjects with low victimity are twice aslikely to show high behavior self-regulation compared to respondents with average victimity. Theidentified risk group of students who are prone to addictive and helpless behavior requires specialmeasures to accompany their social adaptation at the university. When it comes to the formationof professional competencies of the future teacher, it is advisable to include in the program ofelective courses the analysis of the results of studies of victimity in students, pedagogical workers,as well as ways to correct victim identity deformation.

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