
The Cupressaceae conifer Stutzeliastrobus bohemicus (Bayer) J.Kvaček comb. nov. is described from the Cenomanian Peruc-Korycany Formation of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin. It is characterised by elongate ovuliferous cones with helically arranged thin, bilaterally symmetrical ovuliferous bract-scale complexes, bearing two to four winged elongate ovoid seeds per bract-scale complex. Ovuliferous cones are found attached to twigs of Cyparissidium-type shoots, showing amphistomatic scale-like leaves with an adaxial cuticle, bearing two stomatal bands with transversely or obliquely orientated monocyclic to amphicyclic stomata. The abaxial cuticle shows monocyclic to amphicyclic stomata scattered irregularly in the basal part of the leaf. The lectotype is compressed, but the 3D preserved lignified specimen, studied using X-ray microtomography, revealed its internal structure. It is compared to Stutzeliastrobus foliatus F.Herrera et al. from the Early Cretaceous of Mongolia, differing in morphology of its bract-scale complexes. The thin ovuliferous cone scales complexes of S. bohemicus bearing two to four winged seeds per cone scale argue for its relationship with Taiwanioideae, the basal subfamily of Cupressaceae.

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