
Stuttering is a condition where a person experiences language insufficiency caused by a person's psychological condition. The more unstable the person's emotions, the more chaotic the sentence structure produced by that person will be. This study aims to determine the form and factors causing the stuttering experienced by MR.AG. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method using a psycholinguistic approach. The data in this research is in the form of verbal data, namely sounds, words, phrases, sentences, as well as non-verbal data in the form of expressions and gestures. The data source comes from an adult man who has a severe stuttering disorder, who lives in Petung village, Curahdami District, Bondowoso Regency, East Java, Indonesia. Data collection was carried out by means of observation and interviews. The results of the research showed that there were five forms of stuttering experienced by MR AG, namely repetition, pause, insertion, extension and circumlocution. The forms of repetition experienced by MR AG are repetition of sounds, both vowels and consonants, repetition of words, repetition of syllables and repetition of phrases. The pause experienced by MR AG lasted between 2 until 6 seconds. The form of insertion experienced by MR AG is the insertion of sounds “ eeeee, eeeeb, eeed”. Then the form of extension experienced by MR AG is the extension. The last is a form of circumlocution that occurs in MR AG. Based on the results of interviews and observations, it can be concluded that there are two main possible factors causing the stuttering experienced by MR AG. The first is neurological disorders and family pressure factors. There is a close connection between the dyslexia and epilepsy problems experienced by MR AG towards his stuttering.

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