
Weyl conformal geometry may play a role in early cosmology where effective theory at short distances becomes conformal. Weyl conformal geometry also has a built-in geometric Stueckelberg mechanism: it is broken spontaneously to Riemannian geometry after a Weyl gauge transformation (of "gauge fixing") while Stueckelberg mechanism re-arranges the degrees of freedom, conserving their number ($n_{df}$). The Weyl gauge field ($\omega_\mu$) of local scale transformations acquires a mass after absorbing a compensator (dilaton), decouples, and Weyl connection becomes Riemannian. Mass generation has thus a dynamic origin, as a transition from Weyl to Riemannian geometry. We show that a "gauge fixing" symmetry transformation of the original Weyl quadratic gravity action in its Weyl geometry formulation immediately gives the Einstein-Proca action for the Weyl gauge field and a positive cosmological constant, plus matter action (if present). As a result, the Planck scale is an {\it emergent} scale, where Weyl gauge symmetry is spontaneously broken and Einstein action is the broken phase of Weyl action. This is in contrast to local scale invariant models (no gauging) where a negative kinetic term (ghost dilaton) remains present and $n_{df}$ is not conserved when this symmetry is broken. The mass of $\omega_\mu$, setting the non-metricity scale, can be much smaller than $M_\text{Planck}$, for ultraweak values of the coupling ($q$). If matter is present, a positive contribution to the Planck scale from a scalar field ($\phi_1$) vev induces a negative (mass)$^2$ term for $\phi_1$ and spontaneous breaking of the symmetry under which it is charged. These results are immediate when using a Weyl geometry formulation of an action instead of its Riemannian picture. Briefly, Weyl gauge symmetry is physically relevant and its role in high scale physics should be reconsidered.


  • In 1918 Weyl introduced his vector-tensor theory of quadratic gravity [1,2,3] built on what is known as Weyl conformal geometry

  • In this work we studied the effect of Weyl gauge symmetry beyond Standard Model (SM) and Einstein gravity, in the context of Weyl conformal geometry

  • This geometry is of interest since it may play a role in early cosmology or at high scales when effective field theory becomes nearly conformal

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In 1918 Weyl introduced his vector-tensor theory of quadratic gravity [1,2,3] built on what is known as Weyl conformal geometry. Clock’s rates and rod’s lengths depend on their path history This is caused by the massless Weyl gauge field ωμ responsible for the nonmetric connection of Weyl geometry, ∇ ̃ μgαβ 1⁄4 −ωμgαβ. Dirac revived Weyl gravity by introducing a different version of it [6] linear in Weyl scalar curvature (R ) of the form φ2Rwith an additional matter scalar φ [7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18] This term recovers Einstein gravity, and the Weyl field becomes massive (mass ∼ qMPlanck) and decouples (ωμ 1⁄4 0); as a result, the Weyl connection becomes Riemannian and Einstein’s criticism is avoided. The phenomenology of the Standard Model (SM) endowed with the Weyl gauge symmetry [14,17] deserves careful study

Weyl gauge transformations
Weyl gauge transformation and Proca action
Weyl linear gravity as Einstein-Proca action
Weyl quadratic gravity as Einstein-Proca action
A more general case
Adding matter
Related models
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