
The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between organizationalhealth and emotional intelligence in medical universities of Kerman Province. The researchmethod is mixed-exploratory method and in terms of purpose, the research is developmentalapplied which has collected data through field research. Its statistical population includes allemployees of medical universities in Kerman province which are 17928 individuals that 1524people were selected as the sample size through stratified random sampling method usingCochran's formula. Researcher-made questionnaires of organizational health and emotionalintelligence were used to collect research data. Their validity was confirmed by universityprofessors and experts and their reliability was calculated using Cronbach's alpha coefficientwhich was 0.706 and 0.756, respectively. The results of applying software output pathanalysis patterns showed the good fit of structural equation model. The results of testing thehypotheses by structural equation modeling showed that there is a direct and significantrelationship between organizational health and emotional intelligence in medical universitiesof Kerman Province, and among the organizational health aspects, technical, administrative,and institutional levels had the most relationship with the emotional intelligence, respectively.Overall, the results indicate a significant relationship between organizational health and itsdimensions with emotional intelligence. Therefore, in order to have healthy and confidentpeople in the workplace, universities should consider emotional intelligence skills which arenecessary to enjoy organizational health.

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