
Humorous advertising has become a famous and regularly used when interacting with the company’s target customers, which helps in the formation of awareness and attention, and in improving attitudes towards the brands. The purpose of this paper is to study the relationship between humorous advertisements and consumer’s purchasing decision through the mediation effect of brand awareness in the Egyptian market. In addition, this research provides a better understanding for humorous advertising and its effect on consumer purchasing decision in the Egyptian market which will affect the performance of marketing communication tools inside companies. This research is a quantitative research in its nature, so a self-administered survey was completed by an intercept sample of 400 respondents drawn frequently from hypermarkets customers inCairo. This study was limited to two hypermarkets (Carrefour – Fathallah) customers. Future studies could compriselarger samples, different sectors and other product or service categories. The researchresults indicated that thestructural equation model analyses for the conceptual model proved that all hypothesizes were supported. Moreover, brand recall and brand recognition are significant mediators between humorous advertising and customer's purchasing decision in the model. The research findings suggest that marketers should employ different humorous advertising strategies to create and increase brand awareness.

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