
The article is devoted to the study of temperature errors of the string accelerometer used as part of a strapdown inertial unit. One of the main tasks facing the development of string accelerometers is the problem of compensating temperature effects to eliminate the resulting errors. One of the methods to solve such problems is to provide compensation for changes in the parameters of the string accelerometer, to level the appearance of the instrumental error in measuring the acceleration in the output signal of the device. On the prepared bench base at Scientific and Production Association of Measuring Technology (AO NPO IT) for setting up and conducting experiments, a study of string accelerometers, which are part of the strapdown inertial unit, was carried out. The study consisted of collecting output information from the device during its temperature calibration. During the experiment, the strapdown inertial unit was oriented in space so that its measuring axes of the accelerometer channels were directed alternately vertically upward or vertically downward with a smooth temperature change. The data obtained were analyzed to determine the dependence of the change in the initial vibration frequency of the string accelerometer and the design parameter of the accelerometer on the temperature in the operating temperature range of the device. An assessment of the possible level of efficiency of algorithmic compensation for changes in the accelerometer parameters was also shown. The studies carried out have shown the possibility, due to the algorithmic compensation of the temperature instrumental errors of one-component string accelerometers, to provide the accuracy requirements for the linear acceleration sensor channel of the strapdown inertial unit device in the operating temperature range. In particular, the use of algorithmic compensation for the temperature error of the initial frequency of the accelerometer f 0 reduced the absolute value of the parameter change by more than two orders of magnitude, and the maximum value of the error in approximating the change in the design parameter k from temperature is an order of magnitude less than the value before algorithmic compensation.

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