
This article is devoted to the problem of linguistic personality of a bilingual in the context of the implementation of his/her personal and social experience in written communication. In the course of the research the latest theoretical positions of linguistics were analyzed in terms of understanding the problem of linguistic personality; the problem of meta-linguistic consciousness of a bilingual’s personality was outlined. The works of the German bilingual writer W. Kaminer written in different periods of his creative work served as the practical material for the research (stories from the collections Russendisco and Ich bin kein Berliner). The study of the linguistic personality of a bilingual is presented in the context of the theory of communication, theory of speech activity, which emphasizes the relevance of the research and contributes to the problem of modeling the idiostyle of a bilingual writer. The novelty of the work lies in the consideration of idiostyle peculiarities of the bilingual writer who is our contemporary. The methods and principles used in the research are: comparative analysis, methodology of coding and decoding stylistics, elements of component analysis, descriptive and hermeneutic methods. The results of the research can be used to study the nature of interlingual interaction within one linguistic personality (including bilingual ones), as well as to study strategies of effective communication in a multilingual society. In our opinion, the prospect of the study is to further investigate the linguistic means and features of idiostyle verbalization of bilingual writers in a comparative aspect.

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