
Systematic health-improving exercises and rational physical activity promote the activation and improvement of work of all body’s organs and physiological systems of middle-aged women, increase their adaptation to loads, stressful situations, prolong their youth and lay the foundation for active longevity in the future.
 Purpose. To study the influence of health-improving exercises with different types and intensity on the psychophysical state of middle aged women with different rates of involutional processes.
 Materials and methods. The study involved 26 women of 35-45 years old, engaged in health-improving gymnastics for 60-90 minutes, 2-3 times a week, randomized into three groups according to their involutional processes rate. The level of physical condition was calculated according to E.A. Pirogova and R.M. Baevsky adaptation potential and estimated the psychoemotional state using the «Well-being-Activity-Mood» questionnaire.
 A training program for 4 months has been developed with alternating type and intensity of loads in a weekly microcycle. During the sessions, the heart rate was continuously measured using smart bracelets Mi Band 4. Also, before and after the session, the psychoemotional state was evaluated according to the Luscher testing.
 Statistical processing of results was carried out using the mathematical statistics methods. The differences significance of data between groups was assessed using the Student’s coefficient, the Mann-Whitney test, and single-factor analysis of variances. The significance level was assessed using special tables. The correlation Pearson and Spearman coefficients were calculated too.
 Results. The work demonstrates that constant monitoring of heart rate and psychoemotional state during training process makes it possible to assess the effect of loads on the women organism, the adaptation mechanisms to loads of various types and intensities, avoid overwork and overtraining, select an individually suitable training regimen (loads dosage, options for performing exercises, etc.) in order to achieve the maximum health-improving and optimal developmental (or training) effect.
 Conclusion. Thus, an adequate loads alternation in microcycles, the creation of complex programs based on various fitness areas, taking into account the individual characteristics and interests of 35-45 aged women, allows them to increase their physical fitness, enhance the body functional reserves, adaptation to loads and improve well-being and mood.

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