
The article is concerned with the problem of arsenic circulation as copper skimmings of lead production — the product of the lead bullion decopperization process at a metallurgical complex, uniting copper and lead plants. A brief overview of the methods of processing arsenic-containing middling products for the purpose of arsenic removal is given; the main advantages and disadvantages are indicated. The possibility of processing copper skimmings by the method of alkaline sulfide leaching with separation into arseniccontaining solution and lead-copper precipitate is studied. The results of the researches into the influence of temperature, process duration, solids content in the pulp, particle size, and the ratio of sodium hydroxide to elemental sulfur in the alkaline sulfide reagent on the process of alkaline sulfide leaching of copper skimmings af lead production are provided. Within the studied range of varied factors, the highest indexes of arsenic extraction into solution (85.04%) were achieved under the following conditions: temperature — 85 °C, duration — 4 hours, solids content in the pulp — 350 g/dm3, fraction (–0.08 mm), NaOH/S ratio = 100 g/100 g in 1 dm3 of the solution. The proposed method for processing copper skimmings will allow one to selectively isolate arsenic into the dump waste product during subsequent precipitation and separate contaminant from lead-copper cake, into which precious metals also pass. Such an approach provides the reduction of arsenic circulation between the lead and copper manufacturing facilities.

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