
The main point of this paper is to evaluate the change in the inclination (i) and semi-major axis (a) due to tidal perturbation in orbital elements of a low Earth orbiting satellite LEO's. The orbital elements in the sense of Keplerian motion are affect perturbation in a satellite motion and change in the orbital elements must be employed to study the perturbations of the tidal effect on these satellites. These elements remain constant in the absence of perturbation where perturbed equation of motion was numerically integrated using Lagrange’s formulas where numerical analysis is the most suitable method to analyze disturbances. The findings demonstrate that the tidal disruption of the orbital elements relies on the satellite's inclination the variation in the ratio (∆i/i) and (∆a/a) decreases with increasing the inclination of satellite, while it increases with increasing the time and the difference in inclination reduces as the satellite's inclination rises, and the difference in semi major axis increases as time increases.

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